Mighty’S Story

Autism Moms - Hot Mess to Very Blessed!
We are Mighty Moms & this is our Beneve Story…Brina Dutton and Dedra Gallegos, are Podcasters & Business Owners of Mighty Moms, a business empowering Moms with Children on the Autism Spectrum. Brina & DeeDee both have sons on the Autism Spectrum. Being a parent/caregiver to a special needs children can be challenging, exhausting, joyful, and rewarding. As Moms we forget to take care of ourselves when our boys need so much of our time, so our health and wellbeing was put at the low end of our To-Do list. We both battle with high cortisol, hormone imbalance- just to name a few. It’s said that being a Mother to an Autistic Child can be as stressful as being a combat soldier. We both have been under chronic stress for the majority of our sons lives. The countless hours of worry, sleep deprivation, aggressive behaviors, and sickness that comes with parenting on the Autism Spectrum can have a huge impact on a persons health.
We were both introduced by a fellow Mighty Moms at one of our Mighty Mom events. We were both exhausted from the lack of sleep and a stressful week. We were given a sample packet of the coffee as well as a wealth of information on its cortisol and stress support. We were immediately intrigued and anxious to try this product. After researching we found that the Power of 3 and G3 was also added to our cart. DeeDee also added Stack3. After 1 week using these products we found clarity and energy throughout the day and at night the Power of 3 helped us unwind and get a restful sleep, even if it was just for 3 hours. The stressful feelings and restless legs seemed to diminish. Brain fog was lifted. We have the energy and stamina to actually go to the gym and workout. Needless to say, We were sold on every product we have tried and believe this is a product line that every Autism & Special Needs parents need in their life. It’s time to put your health at the top of that to do list and starting these supplements will help you in so many ways, as they have us. We have to take care of ourselves so we can take care of our children.
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